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Pelada /// 9/22/2023 /// Doors at 7:00pm, Music at 8:00pm. . $10 Tickets available online and at door, Free with Duke ID. . All ages concert. . Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705. . About the Artists:. . Pelada, the duo of singer Chris Vargas and producer Tobias Rochman, broke out of. . Montreal’s underground warehouse rave scene in 2014 after uploading tracks to. . Soundcloud which caught the attention of the global dance music scene. They spent the. . next five years touring the globe extensively before signing with Berlin experimental. . label PAN in 2019 and releasing their debut LP ‘Movimiento Para Cambio’. A record. . which Mixmag included in their ‘Best Albums of the Decade’ list, Resident Advisor. . named it ‘One of the Best Records of 2019’ while DJ Mag asserted “they are a vital and. . contemporary addition to dance music’s punk cannon”. The LP was featured twice on. . the godfather of punk Iggy Pop’s BBC6 radio show who personally told his listeners. . “They always wake me up. I like this.”. . Their collaboration is a blend of urgent Spanish language vocals centered around. . themes of power, control, social justice with hardware samplers, synths, and drum. . machines. The unique sound has led them to perform in many different contexts,. . whether it be entire tours opening for more traditional punk acts like Iceage and Shame,. . to the exact opposite, performing live during peak times at techno clubs such as. . Berghain.. . In 2023, Pelada return to the live stage for a 3-part world tour. Part 1, which concluded. . in June, included stops in Italy, Switzerland, Japan, and Australia. Part 2 will see them. . visit the USA, Canada, France, and Germany in support of their highly anticipated 2nd. . album ‘Ahora Más Que Nunca,’ which they are self-releasing. The new album features. . notable guest appearances, including Zambian-Canadian rapper and 2020 Polaris Prize. . winner Backxwash and trumpet player Aquiles Navarro (of Irreversible Entanglements,. . Impulse! Records).. . Both Pelada’s sound and ethos translate to a galvanizing live show that will spring. . dancefloors to action in festival contexts, switched-on club zones, and punk bunkers. . alike.. . https://www.instagram.com/tobias_rochman/?hl=en — Event Details: https://dukegroups.com/rsvp?id=2149977
