This is technically my second job at Duke. I worked here in the same office I work at now [Student Involvement] when I was a grad student at NC State. At the time, Jessie Stelleni worked here. She’s a badass. I still always think about the way she would introduce me in a room, “This is Fran, this is my grad.” But she said it with such passion, like, “This is Fran. She can do it. Don’t underestimate her.” It made me realize that Duke was special. But also, the role advisors can play in students’ lives is so special, and how incredible that relationship can be.
After I finished grad school, I moved away to Washington for a few years. I worked in Housing as a resident director at Evergreen State College. I got to work with and live with students directly, it was great! I realized that’s what I loved doing, and when this job came up I knew I had to apply. I loved the arts, I loved Duke, and I loved this office.
I started here last November, and here we are over a year later!